Financial Modeling We build bespoke financial models to prove business ideas, help you understand the true picture of your business, value a potential acquisition target and identify likely problem areas in future cash flows. Rather than use generic, one-size-fits-all forecasting packages, Equantis assess every business situation to identify its unique aspects and then provide your business with a tailored model showing forecasting data which can immediately be incorporated into future business plans.
Management Information Key decisions need to be based upon up-to-date and accurate facts. We are able to carry out an objective analysis to help you understand what your business does best and why. This will help you focus on your organisation’s strengths and use resources more efficiently and effectively as well as help redefine your tactical and strategic plan.
Corporate Advisory and Restructuring We work with growing businesses in emerging markets to help them meet the reporting and corporate governance standards of international capital markets. In distressed scenarios we facilitate communication between the stakeholders by assessing available options and working out a suitable alternative to existing financial arrangements.
Deal Execution For companies considering a market entry into Russia/CIS we can offer our local knowledge and investment expertise to manage every aspect of the deal execution process, from due diligence to negotiation of the documents and closing of the transaction. We offer best practice in project management in addition to an extensive hands-on experience in dealing with every element of capital structure, from senior and mezzanine debt financing to plain equity investments.